Solid Waste

Rated: Good

The solid waste assets in our survey included transfer stations assets, waste diversion assets (i.e., composting facilities, materials recovery facilities, anaerobic digestion facilities) and waste disposal assets (i.e., engineered landfills, dump sites, closed sites, incinerators, energy from waste facilities).

The current state

The solid waste assets in our survey included transfer stations assets, waste diversion assets (i.e., composting facilities, materials recovery facilities, anaerobic digestion facilities) and waste disposal assets (i.e., engineered landfills, dump sites, closed sites, incinerators, energy from waste facilities).

Solid waste by the numbers

Pie chart – Solid waste: Overall asset condition: Very poor – 2%; Poor – 3%; Fair – 15%; Good – 41%; Very good – 27%; Unknown – 11%

Chart legend

Potable Water WasteWater StormWater Roads & Bridges Solid Waste Sports & Recreation Facilities Public Transit